German Pronunciation  Was ist deine Heimatstadt?

English Translation What is your hometown?

Was ist deine Heimatstadt? - What is your hometown?

What's the meaning of Was ist deine Heimatstadt??

Your Heimatstadt could be several different things. Usually it is the town you were born and raised in, but it could also be the town where your family lives, where you went to school, or really any place that you'd call home. A response to this question might look something like this: Meine Heimatstadt ist Berlin.

How do you pronounce Was ist deine Heimatstadt??

Listen to the male and female pronunciation of this phrase. Afterwards you can record and compare your pronunciation with the audio recorder.

How could I respond to Was ist deine Heimatstadt??

Meine Heimatstadt ist Berlin.

What are other important sentences related to “Where Are You From?”?

  • Woher kommst du?
  • Wo wohnst du?
  • Ich komme aus Luxemburg.
  • Ich lebe in Deutschland.
  • Ich lebe seit zwei Jahren hier.
  • Ich bin in Österreich aufgewachsen.
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  • All sentences about "Where Are You From?" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic WhereAreYouFrom?
  • All sentences about "Where Are You From?" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic WhereAreYouFrom?
