German Pronunciation  Welche Staatsangehörigkeit hast du?

English Translation What nationality are you?

Welche Staatsangehörigkeit hast du? - What nationality are you?

What's the meaning of Welche Staatsangehörigkeit hast du??

You can also find out where someone is from by asking what nationality they are. Use the question above to do this. To respond to this question, you need to simply state your nationality. So, for example, if your home country is Brazil, then your nationality would be Brasilianer or Brasilianerin, depending on your gender. So, a Brazilian male would say: Ich bin Brasilianer.

How do you pronounce Welche Staatsangehörigkeit hast du??

Listen to the male and female pronunciation of this phrase. Afterwards you can record and compare your pronunciation with the audio recorder.
  • Welche Staatsangehörigkeit hast du?
  • Welche Staatsangehörigkeit hast du?

How could I respond to Welche Staatsangehörigkeit hast du??

Ich bin Brasilianer.

What are other important sentences related to “Where Are You From?”?

  • Woher kommst du?
  • Wo wohnst du?
  • Was ist deine Heimatstadt?
  • Ich komme aus Luxemburg.
  • Ich lebe in Deutschland.
  • Ich lebe seit zwei Jahren hier.
  • Ich bin in Österreich aufgewachsen.
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  • All sentences about "Where Are You From?" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic WhereAreYouFrom?
  • All sentences about "Where Are You From?" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic WhereAreYouFrom?
