German Pronunciation  Wie viel kostet dieses Hemd?

English Translation How much is this shirt?

Wie viel kostet dieses Hemd? - How much is this shirt?

What's the meaning of Wie viel kostet dieses Hemd??

If you're unsure of how much something costs, you can ask for its price by using the sentence pattern Wie viel kostet + KLEIDUNGSSTÜCK ?. A store employee would then tell you the price. Here is an example Es kostet 10 €.

How do you pronounce Wie viel kostet dieses Hemd??

Listen to the male and female pronunciation of this phrase. Afterwards you can record and compare your pronunciation with the audio recorder.

How could I respond to Wie viel kostet dieses Hemd??

Es kostet 10 €.

How do I form Wie viel kostet dieses Hemd??

Wie viel kostet + KLEIDUNGSSTÜCK ?
  • Wie viel kostet dieses Hemd? (How much is this shirt?)
  • Wie viel kostet das Sweatshirt? (How much is the sweatshirt?)
  • Wie viel kostet dieser Mantel? (How much is that coat?)

What are other important sentences related to “Shopping for Clothes”?

  • Welche Größe haben Sie?
  • Wie passt Ihnen das Hemd?
  • Die Schuhe sind momentan nicht vorrätig.
  • Ich suche ein Sommerkleid.
  • Wo kann ich das anprobieren?
  • Haben Sie dieses Hemd in einer kleineren Größe?
  • Ich trage normalerweise M.
  • Sind diese Schuhe im Sonderangebot?
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Overview of All Downloads
  • All sentences about "Shopping for Clothes" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic ShoppingForClothes
  • All sentences about "Shopping for Clothes" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic ShoppingForClothes
